YellowScan为测绘应用提供最集成和易于使用的无人机激光雷达解决方案。其设备特点是轻便、高度集成、轻松设置、操作简便、能够适配各种无人机平台。除了集成设备外,YellowScan提供相机模组,其中包括20MP Single Camera Module、60MP Single Camera Module、35MP Dual Camera Module,还有通用安装支架,支持各种无人机的安装,全方位满足客户的需求。
YellowScan与无人机无关,其系统可以集成在各种无人机平台上。多旋翼无人机、直升机无人机、垂直起降飞行器、轻型有人驾驶飞机。请注意:有效载荷重量限制——考虑LiDAR系统、安装支架、摄像头、LiveStation 调制解调器;离地间隙——理想情况下至少为45厘米,以安全连接LiDAR系统;减振 – 主要是大型混合动力/燃气动力无人机和有人驾驶飞机。
YellowScan offers the most integrated and easy-to-use drone lidar solution for surveying and mapping applications. The equipment is characterized by lightweightness, high integration, easy setup, easy operation, and can be adapted to a variety of drone platforms. In addition to integrated equipment, YellowScan provides camera modules, including 20MP Single Camera Module, 60MP Single Camera Module, 35MP Dual Camera Module, as well as universal mounting brackets to support the installation of various drones to meet the needs of customers in an all-round way.
YellowScan is drone agnostic and its systems can be integrated on a variety of drone platforms. Multi-rotor drones, helicopter drones, vertical take-off and landing aircraft, light manned aircraft. Please note: Payload weight limits – consider LiDAR systems, mounting brackets, cameras, LiveStation modems; Ground clearance – ideally at least 45 cm for safe connection to the LiDAR system; Vibration damping – mainly large hybrid/gas-powered drones and manned aircraft.